\u2022 More than 28% of Americans over 50 are not getting sufficient exercise to remain healthy. \u2022 Hiking is an excellent way for aging adults to get the physical activity they need for their overall health and well-being. \u2022 Hiking can help lower blood pressure, boost mood, and prevent serious health conditions. \u2022 The main priority for older adults who want to hike should be their safety. Investing in a medical alert device gives you or your aging loved one the freedom to enjoy hiking without compromising safety. <\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure> As we age, taking good care of ourselves becomes more important than ever. One of the best ways we can do this is through regular exercise. <\/p> And while we understand that not every aging adult can engage in physical activity, even a little bit of movement each day can lead to big results. <\/p> According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 31 million aging adults<\/a> over the age of 50 do not get enough physical activity to remain healthy. <\/p> The Benefits of Hiking for Older Adults <\/h2>Some of the many benefits older hikers will experience include: <\/p> |
What to Pack in Your Hiking Bag<\/strong> Aside from emergency items, here are some other things to include in your bag when you go hiking: \u2022 An extra water bottle in case you get super thirsty. \u2022 A snack or two for you to eat during your breaks. \u2022 Sunscreen to protect your skin. \u2022 Bug repellent to avoid insect bites. \u2022 If there are no bathrooms on the trail you choose, make sure to pack toilet supplies. \u2022 A camera to capture special moments or binoculars for when you spot interesting things. \u2022 A pocket poncho or any other item that can protect you in a downpour. \u2022 Headlamps if you are going to be hiking in darker conditions. <\/td><\/tr><\/tbody><\/table><\/figure> Never hike alone <\/h3>Hiking alone can be very dangerous. One misstep and you could be in trouble. Invite family and friends along, or join a hiking club to ensure you always have fellow hikers with you. <\/p> This is especially important if you\u2019re attempting long-distance hikes that take you far from home. <\/p> Choose the right terrain <\/h3>Do some research on the hiking trails you want to visit. Look for trails with flat terrain to avoid accidents. <\/p> Rocky terrain and uneven ground can be difficult to navigate, especially if you have problems with balance or eyesight. <\/p> Your age shouldn\u2019t stop you from attempting a challenging terrain, but it\u2019s important to work your way up to this. <\/p> Once your muscles are stronger and you\u2019ve had some practice hiking, tricky terrain shouldn\u2019t be a problem. <\/p> Invest in a good pair of hiking boots <\/h3>The shoes you walk in as you hike are a big part of your safety. For example, if your shoes don\u2019t have a decent grip or are loose-fitting, you could trip, fall, or twist your ankle. <\/p> Although it may seem expensive, investing in a good pair of hiking shoes is well worth the price if it means they\u2019ll keep you safe. <\/p>