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8 Key Wellness Tips for Aging Adults 

A smiling senior man and woman sit close to each other.
• Adopting healthy habits can help reduce the chances of chronic illnesses and prevent cognitive decline in older adults. 
• Tips for maintaining your overall health include doing some physical activity, learning to manage stress, and connecting with others. 
• It’s also important to look after your mental health. Two ways to do this are by journaling or speaking to a mental health professional. 
• Be sure to also attend regular checkups with your doctor and dentist to help detect health problems early. 

Good health can help you remain independent, safe, and happy. Understandably, certain chronic conditions and physical limitations may sometimes make it difficult to live a healthy and active life. 

However, according to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), even making small lifestyle changes can help you live longer and better

In this article, we’ll share some essential wellness tips for aging adults to help them live the healthier lives they deserve. 

8 Healthy Aging Tips for Older Adults 

Remember that your health and abilities are different from the next person. While the advice below will help maintain and improve your overall health, always do what feels best for you. 

Incorporate physical activity into your routine 

The health benefits of exercising are endless. Not only does it guard against chronic conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease, but physical activity can also: 

  • Boost your mood
  • Help strengthen your muscles to avoid falling. 
  • Improve your energy levels. 
  • Help you sleep better at night. 

Physical activity doesn’t have to mean lifting weights in the gym. Staying physically active can be as simple as a few short walks a week or going for slow hikes. There are also exercises you can do at home to strengthen your muscles and prevent falls. 

A senior woman smiles as she walks on a path outside.

Consider inviting a family member or friend to join you in a low-impact exercise class, such as tai chi. 

Before you start any kind of exercise program, always consult with your doctor. There may be certain types of exercises you should avoid. 

Key Point: How Much Physical Activity Should I Get? 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults over the age of 65 should get 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity like brisk walking. You can break this up into 30 minutes of exercise five times per week. 
It is also recommended that you spend two days a week focusing on activities that strengthen your muscles. 
However, it may not always be possible for older adults to do this much exercise. As long as you’re moving, you’ll reap the rewards of physical activity. 

Go for regular checkups 

Aging adults should have at least one medical checkup with a healthcare professional per year. If you have any chronic conditions, more frequent checkups may be required. 

Your doctor will do various health screenings, such as checking your blood pressure and glucose levels.  

Seeing your doctor regularly can help with: 

  • Early detection of health issues for proactive treatment. 
  • Managing chronic illnesses and their symptoms to make life more comfortable. 
  • Medication management and making it easier to deal with any side effects. 

You may also want to see an eye doctor at least once a year, as your vision will naturally weaken as you age. 

Adopt a healthy diet 

A well-balanced diet plays a significant role in your overall health. Eating nutritious meals can help: 

  • Ensure you’re getting all the nutrients you need to stay healthy. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid various chronic conditions. 
  • Keep your heart healthy. 
  • Keep your bones strong
  • Support brain and cognitive functioning. 

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you must stick to a certain diet. Simply following some basics —like eating more whole foods and focusing on lean proteins — can go a long way to better health. 

A key tip for healthier eating is to avoid packaged foods, which often contain high levels of sugar, sodium, and preservatives that can negatively impact your health. 

If you’d like to follow a specific way of eating, try the Mediterranean diet. This eating plan focuses on plant-based foods with only moderate amounts of dairy, poultry, and eggs. 

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Mediterranean diet gives you all the nutrients you need to ensure healthy aging. 

Learn to manage stress 

Stress can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. In fact, chronic stress can weaken your immune system, which may lead to health problems like diabetes and heart disease, for example. 

Stress hormones can cause inflammation which can lead to metabolic disorders and cognitive health problems like Alzheimer’s disease

Learning how to reduce the stress in your life can make a big difference. Some stress management techniques you might want to try this year include: 

  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Progressive muscle relaxation 
  • Yoga or tai chi
  • Engaging in your favorite activities and hobbies 
  • Getting adequate sleep

Visit your dentist 

As you age, your oral health may decline. Tooth decay and gum disease are the two main reasons aging adults should see a dentist twice a year. 

Visiting a dentist can help detect tooth decay and cavities early on, which can prevent further health issues and the need for more invasive dental treatments. 

A senior woman smiles while in the dentist chair.

Many aging adults also struggle with dry mouth, which can lead to oral problems like difficulty swallowing. Your dentist can help you manage dry mouth and recommend what products you can use to help alleviate it. 

Stay connected with your loved ones 

Social isolation is common among aging adults, and it can lead to cognitive decline and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.  

Not spending time socializing with others can result in increased stress levels and a weakened immune system. It can also: 

  • Impact your sleep quality
  • Lead to a poorer quality of life 
  • Increase your risk of heart disease 
  • Result in a decline in physical health 

Finding ways to connect with your friends and family is important. If this is difficult to do for any reason, look into local community programs where you’d be involved with other people. 

If you’re experiencing anxiety and stress, it may be hard to socialize, and you might want to shut yourself off from the world. 

However, engaging in social activities can help improve both your physical and mental health, which leads us to our next point. 

Don’t forget your mental health 

Your mental health is just as important as taking care of yourself physically. Without good mental health, it becomes difficult to do much of anything. 

If you’re struggling with your mental well-being, consider speaking to a therapist or social worker so that you can learn helpful strategies to cope. 

Daily journaling can be a helpful way to express difficult emotions—especially if you’re struggling to understand your feelings. 

Staying socially connected, maintaining physical activity, and practicing stress reduction techniques, as mentioned above, can also improve your mental health. 

Keep your mind active, too 

One of the changes you may go through as you age is cognitive decline. For example, you may find yourself forgetting things more often, which is perfectly normal. 

Two adults work on a crossword puzzle together.

Try engaging in activities that keep your mind active such as reading, completing crossword puzzles, or playing board games. Other ways to keep your mind sharp include: 

  • Learning new skills 
  • Attending classes 
  • Practicing memory exercises 
  • Practicing mindfulness 
  • Listening to music 

The Essential Device to Help Keep You Well 

Worrying about your safety can certainly have a big impact on your mental health. As you age, you’re more prone to falls, which can create plenty of anxiety. 

To improve your mental health and give you the independence to engage in healthy habits, consider investing in a medical alert device from LogicMark. The Freedom Alert Plus has built-in fall detection, which means that 911 will be notified of your emergency right away. This can ensure you get help more quickly.  

Knowing this may provide you with some peace of mind as you navigate your daily activities.  

Our devices can also help you contact your loved ones or your caregiver anytime you need them. This keeps you connected and safe, giving you the freedom to live the healthy life you deserve. 

Visit our website to shop our latest medical alert device, the Freedom Alert Plus, as well as our various other options


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